Thursday, June 26, 2014


A few years ago, Christina Alderman (Walker Art Center) and I co-authored an article that was published in the journal Arts (The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies).  In "Graphically Depicted," we examined the interpretive concerns when presenting biblical texts in comics or graphic novels by examining some Genesis accounts found in R. Crumb's Genesis, Siku's The Manga Bible, and Iva Hoth's The Picture Bible.

I am very glad to see that the journal has now been indexed on ATLA and the articles are available in full text.  If you don't have ATLA, you can still read our article here.  If you are unfamiliar with ARTS or its parent society, SARTS, I encourage you to check out their website or join them at SBL for a workshop or session (or at least for the reception!).

On the SARTS site, they describe themselves as,
an academic society of scholars, clergy, and artists interested in the interrelationships among theology, religious studies, spirituality, and the arts. Ours is an organization that purposefully sits at the crossroads of a variety of interests—scholarly, artistic, and pedagogical—with the intention of fostering collaboration among them to support advanced scholarship, artistic ministries, and engaged classrooms.
Our St. Thomas colleague, Kimberly Vrudny, is now the senior editor at ARTS, and she is doing a great job of improving access to this important journal.  

Isaac M. Alderman

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