Monday, March 31, 2014

The Letter of Paul to the Galatians Online Commentary (11)

English: Map of the Letters of Galatia
English: Map of the Letters of Galatia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the first entry in the Bible Junkies Online Commentary on Galatians, I discussed introductory matters concerning the founding of the churches to the Galatians, the situation when Paul wrote to them, when the letter might have been written and the type of letters which Paul wrote, based on the common Greco-Roman letters of his day. In the second post, I considered the basic content and breakdown of a Pauline letter. I noted the major sections of the formal letter structure and, in the context of each section, outlined the theological and ethical (as well as other) concerns of Paul, including some Greek words which will be examined more fully as we continue with the commentary. In the third entry, I looked at the salutation, which is long for Paul’s corpus (only Romans 1:1-7 is longer) and briefly commented on the lack of a Thanksgiving, the only letter of Paul’s which does not have one. The fourth entry discussed the opening of the body of the letter, a significant part of the letter especially in light of the absence of a Thanksgiving. In the fifth entry, I examined the beginning of the opening of the body of the letter, in which Paul describes his background in Judaism and I placed this in the context of Judaism in the Hellenistic period. In the sixth post in the online commentary, I continued to look at Paul’s biographical sketch of his life, this concerning his earliest life as a Christian. In the seventh post, I examined what Paul says about his subsequent visit to Jerusalem to see the apostles and the Church in Jerusalem. In the eighth entry, Paul confronts Cephas about his hypocrisy in Antioch.

The ninth blog post started to examine the theological argument in one of Paul’s most important and complex theological letters. In the tenth entry, Paul makes an emotional appeal to the Galatians based on their past religious experiences and their relationship with Paul. In this, the eleventh chapter in the series, Paul begins to examine Abraham in light of his faith.

4. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians  

d) Body of the Letter (1:13-6:10):
iv) Theological Teaching (2:15-5:12): Abraham was justified by faith (3:6-9) part 1.

6 Just as Abraham “believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,” 7 so, you see, those who believe are the descendants of Abraham. 8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, declared the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “All the Gentiles shall be blessed in you.” 9 For this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham who believed. (NRSV)

Paul’s concern in contrasting “works of the Law” and “faith in Christ,” as he does in Galatians 2, does not have to do with a consideration of “legalism” as a central part of Judaism, or even less “works righteousness,” but in Paul wrestling with the reality of his encounter with Jesus Christ. In this revelation, and subsequent Christian teaching and reflection, Paul came to understand that justification was found through Christ. Whenever one is lost in Galatians, it is good to go back to Galatians 2:21: “I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.” This verse is Paul’s touchstone. Paul’s concerns have less to do with the Law of Moses than with the meaningfulness of Christ’s death. As E. P Sanders famously said of Paul’s soteriology, “the solution preceded the problem.” Paul’s revelatory experience exposed an issue with which he was previously unaware: if justification comes through Jesus Christ, what place does the Law have in this new reality? Since Paul understood that God gave the Law to the Israelites, he is bound to its divine origin and purpose, but what purpose does it have now?

I think, in addition, there is another issue with which Paul is wrestling in this letter and that might be termed a sociological one, namely, the place of the Gentiles, or the nations, in salvation history. If justification comes through Christ for all people and if the Law separated Jew from Gentile, as it was intended to do in ways both profound and ordinary, what role would or could the Law play in the life of the Church? I do not mean to deny the theological importance of Paul’s musings, but whether Jews and Gentiles would eat together had significant implications sociologically for the life of the Church.

Paul turns to Genesis for answers, particularly Genesis 12 and 15, and builds his arguments on the person of Abraham. There are positive reasons for doing this, which we will soon explore, but there might be defensive reasons for drawing on Abraham as well. The interlopers with whom Paul is at odds must certainly be drawing on Abraham too in their arguments with the Galatians and the need to follow the Law of Moses. Now, it is true, that Abraham has not been given the Law, but he is told by God in Genesis 17:9-14,

9…”As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. 10 This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 Throughout your generations every male among you shall be circumcised when he is eight days old, including the slave born in your house and the one bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring. 13 Both the slave born in your house and the one bought with your money must be circumcised. So shall my covenant be in your flesh an everlasting covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

Certainly, if I was in dispute with Paul, I would draw on this passage to make my point that circumcision is essential for entry into the covenant. Even if the Law was given later, circumcision remained the means by which males were brought into the covenant.

Paul does not cite this passage, though, but turns to other events that reflect God’s emerging covenantal relationship with Abraham. Paul cites Genesis 15:6 in Galatians 3:6, “just as Abraham ‘believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness’.” This is key for Paul because in the LXX (Septuagint – the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures), the verb “believed” is episteusen, a form of pisteuô. As we have seen, pistis is the noun for “faith” and pisteuô the verb, which might be translated as “have faith.” Paul, that is, is consistent in his language in Greek and “faith” is at the basis of his argument even when drawing on Abraham in Genesis. Even before God gave the Law to Moses, even before circumcision, God reckoned Abraham’s faith as “righteousness” (dikaiosynê). Recall again, that the Greek verb dikaioô, often translated as “justified,” is the same root that gives us the noun dikaiosynê, which could be translated “righteousness” or “justification,” and other related nouns. Paul, therefore, is consistently using the same root-stem nouns and verbs for the words we translate variously as “believe” and faith” or “righteousness” and “justified.” He is consistent in his usage and his usage is based upon the LXX.

On the basis of this verse, though, Paul feels comfortable to say that “those who believe are the descendants of Abraham” (Galatians 3:7). The actual phrase in Greek recalls Galatians 3:2 and 3:5, in which Paul said the Galatians had received the Spirit ex akoês pisteôs, that is, “believing what you heard” or more literally “having faith in what you heard.” In 3:7 Paul says hoi ek pisteôs, “those out of faith,” or “those who believe” are huioi (literally: “sons”) of Abraham, which is a negation of lineage according to national identity. The phrase ek pisteôs is identical to that found in 3:2, 5 (ex is the same preposition as ek, but the consonant changes due to the appearance of a vowel before it). Faith, for Paul, is now not just how the Galatians received the Spirit, based in their experience, but how Abraham himself, the father of Israel, entered into the covenant with God.

 Paul pushes his argument farther even, stating that “the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, declared the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “All the Gentiles shall be blessed in you” (Galatians 3:8). Drawing again on Genesis, in this case LXX Genesis 12:3, Paul understands that this passage was pointing forward to Christ’s coming and the entry of the nations into the covenant by faith. Paul again uses words with which we should now be comfortable: ek pisteôs is here translated as “by faith” while “justify” is dikaioi. Gentiles is a key word and in Greek it is ethnê, from which we derive variations on “ethnic.” It simply means “the nations,” what would be goyim in Hebrew. So, Paul sees Scripture not just pointing to “faith” as the means by which one would be declared righteous or “justified,” just as Abraham was, but the means in the future by which all the nations of the world would someday be “justified.” That is, justification was foreseen as a means of entering into relationship with God which transcended national boundaries.

And so Paul concludes this short historical and scriptural survey, stating “for this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham who believed” (Galatians 3:9). It will be no surprise that “those who believe” translates hoi ek pisteôs (as in Galatians 3:7) and Abraham “who believed” is derived from syn tô pistô. As Abraham had faith, and was blessed, so those who have faith, Paul says, are blessed with him, even those who have faith now.

Next entry, more on the model of Abraham and Paul’s Midrash on Scripture

John W. Martens
I invite you to follow me on Twitter @Biblejunkies
I encourage you to “Like” Biblejunkies on Facebook.
This entry is cross-posted at America Magazine The Good Word

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chagall and Jewish Christian Dialogue

Last night I attended the Shabbat service at Temple Mt. Zion (@mountziontemple), where Professor Amy Jill Levine spoke for almost an hour on why Jesus is important to Jews and why the fact that Jesus was Jewish is important to Christians. It was an excellent service and lecture sponsored by Mt. Zion and the nearby House of Hope Presbyterian Church (@HouseofHopePres). The service was attended by folks from both congregations.  For those who are unfamiliar with Prof. Levine's work, she is a professor of New Testament Studies and a Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt.  Her most popular books are The Misunderstood Jew and The Jewish Annotated New Testament. As a Jew who studies the New Testament, she is comfortable and familiar with both traditions. Her talk was informative as she did what she does best; that is, to demonstrate the relationship between the traditions.  She spoke about the Jewishness of Jesus' teachings, story telling style, and even wardrobe. Her talk was hiliarious at times, as she was able to allow the Jews to laugh at the Christians and vice versa.   Some of the most funny comments were when she was telling about how, at seven years old, she chose to attend Catholic catechism classes because she wanted to figure out why some Christians had a problem with Jews.  

Temple Mt. Zion and rabbi Adam Spilker are very involved in ecumenical concerns, which is why they are so welcoming to my St. Thomas students.  I always take my Hebrew Bible students there near the end of the semester. In addition to the service, I like to show my students the fantastic art collection that Mt. Zion has and, of particular interest, are two prints by the Russian Jew, Marc Chagall.  When talking about Jewish Christian dialogue, it is Chagall that is at the forefront of my mind.

Some of his most well-known paintings are paintings of Jesus being crucified.  Most often the execution of Jesus is surrounded by images of other Jews suffering throughout history.  I think it is an important point that at its most basic understanding, the execution of Jesus is an example of the oppression of Jews, not oppression of Christians.  both Commonweal and PBS' Religion & Ethics Newsweekly have featured stories about Chagall's crucifixions.  A recent Washington Post article mentions that Chagall is one of Pope Francis' favorite painters.  Beyond that, Chagall was in the news when his work was referenced in the Olympics closing ceremonies (Tablet Magazine tells Putin to keep his hands off Chagall)

There is another work in which the crucifixion of Jesus is used as a way to understand the suffering of Jews, a novel by Chaim Potok called My Name is Asher Lev.  In the novel, a young artist scandalizes his conservative family when he paints a crucifixion.  

I am very glad that St. Thomas is very involved in Jewish Christian ecumenism. The Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning has a visiting rabbi and works hard on Jewish-Christian dialogue.  

Isaac M. Alderman
Follow me on Twitter @isaacalderman
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Gospel of Mark: A Bible Junkies Complete Online Commentary Now Published!

I am pleased to announce that the first Bible Junkies Online Commentary has been published! This book arose from this blog and the weekly entries on the Gospel of Mark and so I see it as a special work. Its genesis began not necessarily with the writing, however, but with some readers who began to ask whether the finished product would be available in book form at some time. It seemed like a good idea and initially I thought that an e-book would be the best (and most inexpensive) format. When I saw the watercolor that Gabriella Galvez produced for the cover, though, I knew that a paperback was necessary. The book is worth it for the cover art alone!

For the first month, the book will be available in paperback for only $15.00 (CA) and then it will be available in all e-book formats for $5.00 (CA). The cost is being kept down so that readers can afford it and students could utilize it for class at a reasonable price. If for some reason you are not able to afford the book, please know that the blog posts are available for free on this website. Just click here and you can get access to all of the posts. The book, apart from the art, does have some added features, including a Foreword about the Bible Junkies project, an annotated Bibliography and additional footnotes and Appendices. 

I also want you to know that this is the first in what we hope will be commentaries on every New Testament book. We have paired with Red Maple Press because it shares our vision of making biblical studies affordable and is willing to stay in for the long haul in publishing the whole series, which might take (more than) a few years!

I want to encourage you to buy the book if you can afford to do so and to let people know about the book. The book is suitable for college or high school study, but also for Bible studies and personal reflection. Fr. Jim Martin, S.J. was kind enough to read the manuscript for me before publication and had this to say, 

"John Martens reminds us that the Gospel of Mark is a dramatic book—with an energetic Jesus moving rapidly from one exciting moment to the next. Martens’ book is a terrific invitation to encounter Jesus of Nazareth in all his immediacy and excitement. Bringing together deep learning with his trademark flair for clean, clear, direct prose, Martens offers us one of the most creative and innovative books on the Gospel that I’ve read in years."
I thank him for his kind words and hope that you, too, will find the book an exciting and dramatic read. That is the nature of the Gospel of Mark and, I believe, the nature of the Gospel message.

One more thing, there are two draws for a free book going on right now. Either follow Bible Junkies on Twitter (see below) and retweet my announcement of the book’s publication (it is the tweet that tells you to retweet to enter the draw) or follow Bible Junkies on Facebook and share the post on the Bible Junkies post announcing the draw! Either way, if you share the Facebook post or retweet the tweet, you will be entered in the draw. We will announce the winners on April 2, 2014.
To buy the book now, just follow this link! Thanks for all of your support in this project.

John W. Martens
I invite you to follow me on Twitter @Biblejunkies
I encourage you to “Like” Biblejunkies on Facebook.