Monday, November 11, 2013

Fr. Jerome Murphy O'Connor has Died

The website for the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem is announcing the death of Fr. Jerome Murphy O'Connor.

Lundi 11 novembre 2013 au petit matin, Frère Jérôme MURPHY O’CONNOR O.P. a été rappelé a Dieu.

Il s’est éteint dans la paix, muni des sacrements de l’Eglise reçus quelques jours auparavant. 

En communion avec sa famille et ses amis, en action de grâce pour son oeuvre immense au service de la Parole, et pour son amour indéfectible envers l’Ecole, nous prions pour le repos de son âme.

O beatum virum, cujus anima paradisum possidet! Unde exsultant angeli, laetantur archangeli, chorus sanctorum proclamat, turba virginum invitat: Mane nobiscum in aeternum!  (Antienne du Benedictus de ce jour)

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1 comment:

  1. Dr. Joseph Atkinson, the executive secretary of the Catholic Biblical Association, sent out this e-mail to CBA members today. I do not think it is breaking any confidences to pass on his message to all of our readers:

    "It is with a sad heart that I relate to you the news of the passing of distinguished CBA member, Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, O.P. He died in his sleep last night after three weeks of being bedridden.

    His funeral will be on Wednesday or Thursday at St. Stephen's Basilica and he will be buried beside such giants as Roland de Vaux, Pierre Benoit, Marie-Emile Boismard inter alia."

    As Dr. Atkinson wrote, "May the angels lead him into Paradise." Rest in peace.
