Friday, August 30, 2013

The Journal of Universal Rejection

Schools and tenure committees are becoming more interested in the standard of journals to which one submits proposals.  I was looking online for journal acceptance rates and I found the world's most selective academic journal.

The Journal of Universal Rejection claims to be so selective that, "all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected." Its blog, Reprobatio Certa, lists rejection notices for submissions such as 'The Cake Paradox' and 'Captain Kirk and Capitalism.'

The worst part of submitting a manuscript is the months that it can take before you receive any word on whether your paper has been accepted.  I recently submitted a manuscript and the reply noted that they hoped to have a response for me within 14 weeks. The JofUR promises to ease this seemingly interminable wait. Some benefits listed on their website: 

  • You can send your manuscript here without suffering waves of anxiety regarding the eventual fate of your submission. You know with 100% certainty that it will not be accepted for publication.
  • You may claim to have submitted to the most prestigious journal (judged by acceptance rate).
  • You retain complete rights to your work, and are free to resubmit to other journals even before our review process is complete.
  • Decisions are often (though not always) rendered within hours of submission.

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